A Christian Youth Ministry

Build A Game For Life

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


To become a leading Christian youth ministry that positively impacts local communities by providing adventure camps and outdoor experiences for underprivileged youth that instill biblical character traits such as love, kindness, perseverance and self-control.

Build A Game For Life is a Christian youth ministry created by Michael Bruchet and his wife Lucy.  The program was developed from Michael Bruchet's 25 years of coaching experience and working with disadvantage youth and orphans during his time in Asia.  Participants will have the opportunity gain useful lifeskills, learn how to cope with adversity while having a life changing outdoor experience either through golf or fly fishing.  The program is geared to provide a younger generation direction and an avenue for greater opportunities.  



Michael has always had a heart to help others. While on tour in Asia he often ran golf camps for the youth in orphanages in Taiwan. Today, his hope is to grow the game and give back to the community through golf clinics, fly fishing retreats, backpacking trips and ski outings. His goal is to provide as many life changing outdoor experiences as possible to youth and teens that may not have father figures in their lives. He wants to introduce the next generation to the Lord and take them to where they can hear Him the most….the great outdoors.

Make an impact today

We are asking those that are interested in getting involved to please help.  All donations are tax deductible and can be securely made directly from our website.